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Material & Equipment QA/QC Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 15.08.2011



Направления деятельности:

Инженерно-технический персонал ИТР

Регионы работы:

Вакансии Нефтегазконсалт


Provide specialist support to follow up delivery and QA/QC aspects and ensure timely and effective availability in accordance with operational needs. Ensure that stock of materials/equipment is effectively maintained and optimized to minimize Capex; Propose actions in order to economically manage the Well operations materials/assets.
Accountabilities and Responsibilities:
The Materials and Equipment, QA/QC Engineer is in charge for providing a comprehensive support to the well operations specially concerning the planning, procurement and management of equipment/materials needed by the Well Operations.
In more details:
o Based on needs for materials/equipment needed to fulfil the requirement from the approved/identified work programmes, prepare plan for procurement in liaison with the C&P and WOPS technical units.
o Prepare detailed technical specifications for materials and equipment to be procured. Issue and ensure approval for Request for Materials/Services. Detail the QA/QC requisites to be met in compliance with the company’s policies and best practices.
o Co-ordinate with Drilling/Completion-Intervention Engineers for the preparation of the ITT technical documentation for tendering purposes. Participate in technical bid evaluation for services, material and equipment.
o Propose, define and initiate studies and analyses for innovative materials and equipment, evaluating new technologies from the technical and economical standpoints.
o Liaise with Suppliers in order to ensure that the technical requirements are fully acknowledged and that products meet the required specifications in accordance with the applicable international and Company’s QA-QC procedures.
o Verify that the manufacturing process and deliveries meet the required terms; Inform the Reporting Position of any problem that may jeopardize the timely availability of the materials.
o If so requested, supervise testing/acceptance process for the materials and equipment. Ensure that deliveries conforms with the requested specifications as far as quantity, shipping packaging, documentation, certificates and instruction manuals are concerned.
o Keeps records of the accompanying documents and inspection certificates.
o In liaison with the C&P unit, ensures that materials and equipment is properly stored at the defined storage facility, in accordance with the Company’s and Manufacturer’s specifications.
o In liaison with the WOPS operations units, assesses the actual conditions and advise on the suitability of materials/equipment returned from the rig for future use or needs for inspection and refurbishment. Advise on the opportunity to scrap material based on economical considerations. Provide support in preparing long term planning .
o In coordination with the Operations Superintendents and the Operations Drilling Engineer, evaluates the performance of the equipment installed/used at well site, with particular reference to the reliability, quality of service and “fit for purpose” issues, and maintains a database with the relevant information to be used for future reference in tendering for the similar materials/equipment.
o Investigate failure of equipment in order to identify causes and propose mitigative actions to prevent re-occurrence. Prepare operational procedure to support these actions at the rig site.
o Participate and if necessary lead internal and external audits, with particular attention to aspects such as QA/QC, Conformance/Non Conformance, HSE
o If required, provide tutoring for local engineers, to train them up to the Agip KCO standard.
o Ensure that hand over notes are adequately prepared to allow for a smooth continuation of the activity.
Safety Responsibilities:
Demonstrate a personal commitment to Health, Safety and the Environment by following…
• Kazakhstan Statutory Health, Safety & Environmental Regulations
• Agip KCO’s Corporate Health, Safety & Environment Policy, and applying Agip KCO’s Safety Management Systems.
Identify risks and hazard related to the activities, in particular those involving new technologies/equipment.
o Elaborate risk reduction plans and ensure that the assessed risk matches the ALARP acceptance criteria
o In conjunction with the Agip KCO HSE Dept. and/or third parties, prepare the requested HSE cases
o If required, participate to HSE audits, conformance/non conformance reporting.
Preparing the necessary documentation to apply for dispensation from procedures should this be required by contingent reasons.
Main Interfaces:
Contacts shall be held with the “Sponsor” of the activity being planned/implemented. Typical Sponsors are: Exploration dept., Development/Reservoir Eng. Dept. Other contacts, specially while operations are on-going are with the C&P, HSE, Logistic and Permitting Dept’s.
For the planning/preparation activities, contact shall be held with Suppliers of materials, equipment and services with the scope of ascertain technical features and availability. During the implementation of the procurement process, contacts will be with consultant (e,g, QA/QC inspectors, assessors, etc.) appointed Contractors/Suppliers. During the revision phase, after implementation, interface will be with auditors for QA/QC, Conformance/Non Conformance, HSE and performances assessment.
Qualifications & Experience:
The job holder must have
qualified to degree level (preferably Msc) in Technical/Engineering Disciplines, with 10 years experience in assisting to well operations (whole cycle) activities in responsible position:

Technical knowledge, particularly from the materials selection and QA/QC aspects, of drilling and completion difficult wells such as:
o Drilling through salt and sour fluids carbonate reservoirs
o Drilling long reach directional wells
o Completing wells in high weight/solids mud

E-mail: job@ngcon.ru


№ вакансии: 19626

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