Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

LNG Marketing and Sales Manager (North Asian markets and swaps)

Архивная вакансия от 25.03.2011



Направления деятельности:

Добыча сырья и производство

Регионы работы:

Сахалин и курильские острова
Вакансии Citilink


LNG Marketing and Sales Manager / Менеджер по маркетингу и сбыту СПГ (Крупная нефтегазовая компания)

Job Description:

 provide services to Sakhalin Energy in respect to marketing and economic analysis on LNG pricing concepts for Korea, North East Asia and Sakhalin Energy’s overall LNG marketing policy, specifically concentrating on Kogas, SETL and GGLNG;
 managing the team responsible for North Asia LNG marketing, swaps and spot sales;
 managing the relationship with the Lng Term Buyers Kogas, SETL and GGLNG;
 trying to improve the contractual relationship with these LT Buyers by increasing the prices and simplifying the SPAs;
 be responsible for collecting and providing data on Sakhalin Energy competitors, both pipeline and LNG;
 support the SPA improvement negotiations between Sakhalin Energy and Kogas, SETL and GGLNG, provide specific help on drafting documents;
 maintain and enhance Sakhalin Energy relationship with Kogas and other potential customers in Korea;
 liaise with MKE regarding policy directions in Korea on gas market deregulation and restructuring and provide pro-active and timely advice on shifts in policy which will influence Sakhalin Energy LNG marketing strategy;
 liaise with the Shareholders, including arranging visits of Sakhalin Energy to the buyers; and
 arrange visits of LNG buyers from Korea, Singapore and other North Asian countries to Sakhalin so as to enhance the relationships.

1. Professional Skills and Competences

Shall have additional Knowledge of:
 gas agreements (LOI, HOA, SPA, GSA);
 advanced relationship marketing knowledge:
 English and Korean languages;
 rules of the downstream gas business.

The employee shall have:
 ability to work unsupervised;
 ability to understand and develop a market-oriented approach;
 ability to act as a team player;
 ability to hold negotiations;
 interpersonal skills, flexibility of thinking;
 administrative skills;
 work experience in the market of Korea and the Asia Pacific Region;
 strong customer needs focus;
 business acumen; and
 ability to work under pressure.
The previous work experience under the speciality shall be 10 years.

Конкурентоспособная заработная плата
Медицинская страховка для сотрудника и членов семьи, страхование жизни; медицинские препараты.
Оплачивается проживание, предоставление квартир,
Помощь в переселении
Компенсация за переезд
Питание, оплачиваемое компанией
Транспорт: по населенному пункту на корпоративном автобусе
Парковка: бесплатная для сотрудников компании
Профессиональное обучение и повышение квалификации в России и за рубежом.

E-mail: irina@citi.ru

Телефон: 8 916 464 07 00

№ вакансии: 17510

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