Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Chief Reservoir Engineer

Вакансия от 06.07.2015


Brunel Energy

Направления деятельности:

Геология и геофизика

Регионы работы:

Любой город
Вакансии Brunel



• Preparation of operation reports on the oilfield development.
• Organization of works related monitoring the dynamics of wells production potential.
• Organization of compliance and implementation of mandatory complex oilfield geophysical and hydrodynamic studies.
• Development and revision of the rules related to relationships with third parties which perform works regarding wells studying and testing.
• Preparation, planning and monitoring of budget execution of the project works, research and development and fishing research.
• Implementation of the evaluation and analysis of geological and technical options.
Selection of wells for workover operations in accordance with the technological efficiency and economic feasibility.
• Participation in budget planning for the short and long term options.
• Implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety in the performance of site research works in the fields.
• Monitor the performance of contractors working on the development, testing, and completion of wells.
• Preparation of applications for development, hydrodynamic studies.
• Coordinating the work plan for the development, hydrodynamic studies.
• Charting the development and hydrodynamic studies.
• Check instruments and technical reports on the development and hydrodynamic studies.
• Drawing up acts for recycling hydrocarbon and coordination with the relevant services.
• Preparation of technical studies for tenders for downhole geophysical and hydrodynamic studies.
• Participation in cooperation with the authorities of the RTN in the direction of the activities of competencies.


• Higher dedicated education (Geology of oil and gas / Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields.
• Experience in the field of geology at least 5 years.
• Should know:
- development and operation of oilfields;
- geology of oil and gas;
- basic technology of well construction;
- fundamentals of the economy;
- organization of production, labor and management;
- rules for the protection of mineral resources, production planning;
- achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology in the field of oil and gas exploration and experience of leading enterprises.
• Must have skills:
- have the skills to work with modern computer and copying equipment;
- to work on a personal computer at a confidence level of the user (to know Microsoft Office; Word; Excel; PowerPoint; CorelDraw).

E-mail: o.tyryshkina@brunel.net


№ вакансии: 30055

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